Chris Abani

Black Goat Poetry Series


Black Goat is an independent poetry series imprint created by Chris Abani. It is affiliated with Akashic Books and is currently an imprint of that press.

The vision behind Black Goat is simple: a commitment to publishing collections of poetry that might not otherwise find a home. Selected work will represent the finest examples of well-crafted and sometimes challenging poetry, and will also focus on experimental, aesthetically or thematically challenging work. The series also aims to create a proportional representation of African and other non-American as well as female poets on its list.

The series, established in 2004, will begin by publishing two to four books of poetry over the course of two years. The series-founding editor, Chris Abani, solicits and selects manuscripts for publication in its Black Goat Poetry Series. No unsolicited manuscripts will be accepted at this time.

The press is interested both in encouraging emerging talent and in helping to maintain poets in mid-career internationally, and as such, collected or selected Bilingual Poems will also be considered. Each new poet will be introduced by a more established American writer.

Akashic Books